Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Full steam ahead

Getting ready to add a small tracking scene to my demo reel.  I tracked the current scene using Syntheyes.  This is more or less the way the scene is going to look like.  I comped it together in Photoshop using several render elements from Vray.  I think I may try to attempt to try to composite the animated sequence in Nuke.

I am also adding a updated version on my plasma cannon.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Making adjustments to my demo reel.

Working on demo reel stuff is alot of fun but at the same time its alot of work.  I've got about three more projects that I am going to add onto it here soon.  I am definitely going to try and get some feedback on it as I go.  But anyways here it is as it stands.

The new high resolution link to Youtube can be found at