Monday, October 22, 2012

Camera Angle 1 of 4 finished

Just finished one of my camera angles for the still shots.  I did all the comp work in Photoshop.  I decided its time move on to other projects because I could keep adding and adding up to ridiculous proportions.  I had a great time working this project.  I really was able to push my texturing skills alot further on this project.

 I still plan on doing some individual prop renders to show of texturing and modeling techniques. When I have some free time I'm going to bring down the render times so that I can make an animation for a demo reel piece.


  1. Hi Michael. I love these abandoned morgue images. If I can get your okay, I'd like to use one as a visual for my next post about the importance of creating a morguefile to collect all of your unused work for future inspiration. May I post the bottom image at: ?

  2. my blog is at and it is required work for my graphic design classes.
